Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lots of fun in the past few weeks!

Jeremy is all smiles. He is wanting to crawl so bad he can't just figure it out! He just won't sit still!

I want you mommy! He is the biggest mama's boy ever. He just wants to be with me all the time. I don't complain because he is so cute!

Jeremy is taking the BEST naps ever. His morning nap is usually between 2 and 3 hours. One day I went to go and check on him and this is how he was.

These are our favorite pajamas; he just looks so funny in them.

We as a family LOVE Rock Band. Mike was playing the drums and Jeremy was watching him so intently. So we put him on Daddy's lap and played an easy song for him. He thought it was so much fun.

This past week, Jeremy's cousins Emma and Macie came and visited us. We had so much fun just hanging out as a family. Tomorrow, we are going to go to the Santa Barbara Zoo. They have a giraffe exhibit where you can feed them! We are looking forward to it and we will post photos! UNtill next time...the team is doing well!


Garling Ranch said...

Your pictures are so cute! So, he won't sit still huh? Good luck once he starts walking! I bet he will be an explorer. Have fun!

Katie Smith said...

Oh Anna, your baby is getting so big! I love the top picture, he just looks so content :) I remember when Spencer was trying to crawl he finaly figured it out at 9 1/2 months then he was walking a month later. Aren't they just so much fun!