Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Jeremy and his first Easter basket. He had so much fun taking the eggs and all the green grass out. It was funny to watch. Sorry about my messy house in the background!

All dressed up and ready to go to church!

Daddy and Jeremy all in their Easter dress shirts. Like daddy like son. Mike has the same color shirt as Jeremy, but it was too wrinkly and we were running late for church..whats new?

Church wore him out; he no longer likes to sleep in our arms, so he falls asleep in the car ride home. I like how he holds on to the side of his car seat! Church is hard for him because it is right in the middle of his morning nap.

I thought you might like to know Jeremy's awesome schedule!

7:00 am wake up and nurse
9:00 am eat oatmeal
9:30 am take a nap
12:30ish wake up and nurse (he usually takes an 2-3 hour morning nap) I know I am lucky!
2:00 pm eat lunch
2:30 pm take a nap
4:00ish wake up and nurse
5:30 pm eat a snack like apple sauce or yo-baby
7:30 pm eat dinner with mommy and daddy
8:00pm take a bath
8:30pm nurse and go to bed and sleep through the night

This of course is a rough estimate of his schedule. We change it up if we have to go out and run errands or go to church or just want to go out and have fun. During his awake time we play with cars, we read, we just try to keep Jeremy entertained.


Amy said...

Your basket turned out looking so cute!

Natalie and Ryan said...

Anna, I am so amazed by your schedule! I am not really a schedule time person, but I am sure it is helpful to have things organized and planned. You even have what he eats on your schedule. wow! you go girl.

Garling Ranch said...

What a schedule! I love Jeremy's cute little shirt and tie! He is so handsome! You have such a cute little boy!