Friday, December 23, 2011

Jeremy's explanation of how he came here

On Wednesday, my mom, my sister, Jeremy and I were on our way down to the LA temple to attend Breann's wedding. Jessica told me you sure made a cute baby. I agreed with her and and jeremy started talking about how he came here.

Jeremy: "My mommy bought me for 3 moneys."
Jessica: "Oh really" That's really cheap, can I get something as cute as you for that much?"
Jeremy: "Yeah, I was in a box and my mommy chose me."
Jessica: "Oh because you were cute?" (or something like that)
Jeremy: "Yeah, all the people didn't chose me and my mommy did."
Me: " Jeremy, I think you were in my tummy like Baby Zeke."
Jeremy: "No, I was in a box and baby Weke is in a box too cuz you chose me."

I just thought that this was so cute how he thinks he was in a box and I chose him and the other people didn't. He certainly says the cutest things. This conversation isn't word for word, becasue I can't remember exactly what he said. But it went something like that.