Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ezekiel James Carr

"baby Zeke" Came to our family on February 20, 2012 at 11:53 am, weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces and 19 3/4 inches. A whole pound and inch bigger then Jeremy.

Getting weighed.
Waiting for mom to recover.

First picture with mommy and daddy.

We arrived at the hospital at 8:30 am to do paper work, get all my fluids in m body, and get hooked up to the monitors to check Zeke's heart rate and check my pulse, and all that fun stuff. We had to wait forever! My doctor had to help with another surgery so i didn't get into the operating room until 11ish. I was suppose to be in there by 10:30. Waiting so long, made me nervous, remembering how it was to go through a c-section. With the nerves came excitement to know what he would look like, how big he was going to be, what his personality would be and etc.
Once I got into the OR, the anesthesiologist, talked me through the spinal. He did very well. They had music playing to ease the nerves. He called it a "zen" place. Once the spinal worked,they let Mike in and they started the surgery. Laying there, I felt sooooo tired. I just wanted to keep my eyes closed, so I did. It was also harder to breathe. Once Zeke came out and I heard that first cry, I felt AMAZING!!! I could breathe again. It was so exciting to hear him cry. With Jeremy my spinal did not work all the way and they had to put me under. I did not hear his first cries. With Zeke, I did. While they were sewing me up, I was able to watch them weigh him and clean him up a bit. Once they did that, they handed Zeke to Mike and he sat by me for a bit. I was able to kiss Zeke and I felt so happy that I was able to bring another cute boy in the world that Heavenly Father gave me another one of his spirits to look after. While Mike was sitting there, they asked if I wanted to try breastfeeding him while on the table, I told them I didn't think I could, feeling light headed. So Mike and Zeke and the nurse went into the nursery. It seemed like FOEVER while they were sewing me up, because it was. With this being a repeat c-section, I had a ton of scar tissue. They were taking time sewing me u. I did not heal corecctly last time, everything was melted together. While sewing me up, i heard that I was oosing a lot, something you don't want to hear while on the table. I felt nervous, but also felt safe. Once I was done, my doctor told me about how there was a ton a scar tissue and it took them longer to get to the uterus. I don't remember everything she said to me in the room, I was on pain meds! She did tell me that if we wanted to have another baby, tell her or the doctor doing the c-section that I had a lot of scar tissue and bled more then I Should, to have an extra doctor in the room to help out. This didn't really hit me until I got home. Having "baby blues" and thinking that this little guy could be my last one made me feel even sadder. But I have plenty of time to think about another one.
Anyway back to the birth story. Once i was all sewed up, they took me into the recovery room where they checked vitals, and just waited for my sense of feeling to return. Then I saw a familiar faces! Mike and Zeke were able to come in to the room where I was able to breastfeed and hold Zeke for the first time. It was so fun having Mike in there with me, because my doctor said that he probably would not be. Once we were done, they needed to take Zeke into the nursery with Mike to check something, I don't really remember what for. Anyway, I was done recovering in the room they wheeled my bed through the hall where I saw my Mom, Jessica, and Jeremy watching the nurses taking care of Zeke in the nursery. It was so nice to see them. Jeremy didn't really recognize me. Once I was in my room, Mike brought Zeke in there and got Jeremy to see me and Zeke, he was a little hesitant. So we told him that Zeke brought him a gift. He opened it and it was the focal point of his day. We let Jeremy go and get my sister and mom to meet Zeke. That first day was all about visitors and them meeting Zeke. Sorry this is like a diary entry, but its the best I can do. I will have another post about the hospital stay later.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A little over A week in a half left

Zeke is coming in 12 days! I am so excited and nervous and all the feelings in between. I am excited to be able to mother another one of Heavenly Father's spirit children. Children are truly a miracle and am so thankful to my Heavenly Father in trusting me with another spirit. Holding a newborn baby you can really feel Heavenly Father's love for you, because its the same exact love you feel for that tiny little spirit. Its going to be so much fun to see the different personality this baby will have.; because already i feel he is more active in the womb then Jeremy was. (I dont remember too much from Jeremy's pregnancy but feel that Zeke is much more active) It will be fun to see how Jeremy is going to handle being a big brother. We just bought our new double stroller and Jeremy LOVES pushing it around pretending Zeke is in the carseat. He pretends to hold him carefully and he gives pretend baby weke kisses and puts him in the carseat. HE pretends to carry him and give him to me. I think he pretends to tickle him to make him laugh. I hope that Jeremy will adjust well to not being the center of attention. I think he will do a great job. I just need to do my part in letting Jeremy help out and make sure i give him his own time. Its gong to be so different from going from a one kid family to a two kid family, Mike and I talked about it and we will be a "real" family now. One baby you can consider yourself still "single" but now we will have another one, a true family. Families do come in all shapes and colors and sizes, but to us having two babies is like having a "real"family.
I'm nervous because I have to go through a c-section again. I know what to expect but still nervous. Different doctor, different hospital, different experience. I'm nervous about breastfeeding again, excited as well. These emotions are so different from the first time, because I know what to expect, but every baby is so different and having to manage two children, ooy vey! This post is mainly for me to remember how I am feeling.